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I’m Andy Rogers, 


caffeine fueled HUSBAND


and FATHER of 3,










I’ve been making pictures since year 9, The love was pretty much immediate. Not so much with the magic of the darkroom (that seemed more like a dark, smelly and toxic room) but with the possibilities of exploring the outdoors, spending time in nature, chasing light and to be curious. I broke school rules and re applied for photography classes in year 10 and to my delight I got in. Since then I’ve never really looked back. From VCE I went on to study at RMIT University. With a photography degree in the back pocket, I went traveling the world and spent the best part of my twenties traveling and exploring the globe, always with a camera slung over the shoulder. After a 2 year stint living in Brooklyn, New York, it felt like it was time to move home and settle down. I spent almost a decade at News Corp as a photographer, chief photographer and Pic Editor.


These days my family and I live on the beautiful Bellarine - Living the dream. 


With decades of photography experience I can turn my camera to just about anything. My love of story telling, nature and connection to people runs strongly through my images.

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